America Still Pics

MAKING OF – Canada Moose hunting with Krieghoff

On Dezember 6th, 2015

In September 2015 we hunted and filmed with Henrik Lott and his Krieghoff double rifle in the Canadian North West Territories for Moose and Caribou. Outfitter Werner Aschbacher from South Nahanni Outfitters delivered the perfect setup for a fantastic wilderness movie.

It was the most challenging project so far for us. The „fun part“ started when the back door of our bush plane fell off during the flight 20 minutes before landing and we had to quickly secure rifle and camera that almost dropped out. But we landed safely and from there we had to deal with low temperatures, strong wind and grizzly bears – a real challenge for the people and our camera gear. The camera batteries got weaker due to frosty temperatures in the nights, but we managed to keep filming. In the end, we were rewarded with great hunting and trophies and the harsh but beautiful landscape and spectacluar northern lights made it all up and compensated for all the efforts and adrenaline.

We used Canon Camcorder, GoPros, Canon DSLR and even a drone to capture the hunt. Here ist the link to the Teaser!

Outdoor supplier WILDNISSPORT from Northern Germany equipped us with the best possible hunting gear. Enjoy some making of shots!

Sebastian Steinbrink-Minami //
