Moose hunting in the North – The harsh tundra and the
heavy game put even strong characters
to the test. The Mauser hunters must defy the challenging conditions to achieve their goal, a fine moose bull. Accompanied with the best possible rifle they succeed.
Join two moose hunters and the Mauser M…
This video was edited for Mauser Jagdwaffen by hunting film agency Steinbrink Marketking.
It’s driven hunt season! Many hunters in Germany as well as in large parts of Europe experience fascinating hunting days during this time of the year. Often they hunt wild boars from stands. However, only few hunters…
This a video produced by Steinbrink-Marketing for Mauser Jagdwaffen. It’s about the technical details of the Mauser M 12 rifle.
The M12 is available as wooden version and with synthetic stock.
Mauser M 12 Basic Features:
– Steel construction featuring the distinctive
open Mauser loading slot for easy loading
from above
– Very soft, extremely smooth…